Sunday 5 March 2023



Todays blog entitled SIGNS is about how we can read the SIGNS that are expressed

within LIFE and begin to see what really lies behind the veil of matter and form.

We will see that the PRIMORDIAL ESSENCE of all MOTION (atomic vibration)

and that very essence which PREDATES this universe is that of PURE ABSOLUTE

SPIRIT, which is that of Absolute Intelligence which we call GOD.

SIGNS reveals that before consciousness and awareness  were PRESENT all  that was

in BEING was pure absolute Sprit, a Divine innocence that was not aware of SELF.

And that consciousness and awareness arose out from that pure spirit as it PRESENTED

a THOUGHT WAVE within its awesome SELF.

Spirit is that very absolute primordial essence of all there "IS" in reality as we do not 

fully understand it.

From pure spirit "ALL THINGS EMERGE"  from first came awareness, then consciousness

then MOTION and atomic and sub atomic vibrations. What we call LIFE is that which 

is really that of LIVING-INTELLIGENT-FOCUSED-ENERGY this is what life

is INTELLIGENT ENERGY and this intelligent energy is that of SPIRIT being 

expressed within a covering (KOSHA)  of coherent energy which is consciousness

condensed into matter .

The ALPHA and OMEGA of all universal expression lie within one thing and that THING


First is spirit and last is spirit and BEFORE this universe was born aloft by a primordial

thought wave, all that was PRESENT in the VOID of NO-THING=NESS  was Absolute


Humanity is basically a collective of holographic images emerging upon a relative 

template membrane in order to engage in the experiences of gathering Tangible 

impressions of physical interactions with each "other" and feel the emotions of

motioning through a dense duality based field of cause and effect. When we can read

the SIGNS that exist within us all, we will then fully understand what the 

SIGNATURE of life SPELLS out to us all.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this bog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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