Thursday 9 March 2023



This blog today entitled COMB is about how life "us" evolves through what we

call evolution into a progressive pattern over billions of years to where we now 

reach a point in that evolution where "we" that of Humanity have become SELF

AWARE, and have this I AM self aware consciousness.

What does this mean, and what are the implications of this SELF aware state? That

is a question that this blog will try and answer.

"WE" that of humanity are all the children of motional life, that are gradually reaching

adulthood by the realization of our inner spiritual divine nature.

This gradual realization will reveal things that has previously been unknown to us.

We will be made aware that Spirit  which is UNBORN and Eternal has therefore

never had a "beginning" or will never reach an end. When we realize this inner truth

the implications become very clear indeed, it reveals that only "LIFE" seems to

evolve through what we call evolution.

SPIRIT which is who we really all are has never evolved but has been Eternally 

ONE within the ALL of the ALL.

We can then see that only the "expression" of Spirit , that which has MOTION 

which becomes clothed in five KOSHAS of motioning (atomic vibration) sheath,

that then goes Through the "MOTIONS" (evolution) and gradually experience 

all the MOTIONS of expression  possible to experience.

Only LIFE MOVES and has expression, Spirit never moves, it has no need to

because it is omnipresent and ubiquitous, and that motion would be seen as an 

ABSURDITY to it, when you are present everywhere SIMULTANEOSLY where

is there left to go to that you already fully occupy?

When we COMB through the inner workings of our being we will then be able to

connect with our INTUITION, intuition is our inner GURU or GUIDE that will 

reveal to us the real and eternal true nature of who and what you truly are.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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