Tuesday 7 March 2023



This blog today entitled WORLD is about how Divinity Spirit, which is in essence

NON-LOCALE and omnipresent consciousness, becomes Localized into the relative

"LIFE STREAM" of this relative universe.

Pure Spirit which is that of SOURCE  is transcendent of all LIFE and that of existence.

to become localized Spirit needs to become "super compressed" into a "point of 

departure" which is a singularity vortex which condenses pure spirit energy into a 

singularity point of reference, which is the singularity  here that omnipresent 

consciousness of SOURCE Spirit is Localized by contraction spin of the vortex and

thereby become a localized unit of Intelligent Divine energy.

This entity is then electromagnetically polarized into the field of becoming physical

life in and around the mother to be womb.

The singularity point of reference which is the spirit condensed into this relative 

dimension , does not actually enter the physical body of  the mother , but rather

is within a vast electromagnetic field that occupies the space around the baby to be

Our human bodies are basically biological machines that are all animated by the

invisible localized spirit, which is the "LIFE FORCE" which gives motion to all

stillness, without  Spirit being present LIFE would not be in existence.

Spirit is the animating PRINCIPLE which brings MOTION into LIFE which 

only exists in relativity, beyond this relative universe there is NO LIFE  or 

EXISTENCE. Only that of ETERNAL UNBORN SPIRIT. which is totally 

Transcendent  of all life and existence, IT JUST ETERNALLY "IS".

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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