This blog today entitled HICCUPS is about exploring the deep inner nature
of just what consciousness actually is? To me the answer seems to arise
within the similar question of what is LIFE?
To me life and consciousness are one of the same thing, and that same thing is
that of SPIRIT. Therefore with that understanding it reveals that "consciousness is
SPIRIT in MOTION (atomic vibration). That Spirit is consciousness and that of life
HICCUPS is about explaining the presentation sequence of how "WE" are all expressed
here on Earth as what we call that of humanity.
Therefore what is humanity that is hidden behind the FACADE of FORM which is the
physical vehicle ? What is the NATURE of the LIFE PRINCIPLE that animates you
and me?
The life principle is that of PURE SPIRIT intelligence which is Absolute and Relative
simultaneously and for this omnipresent universal intelligent SPIRIT (SOURCE) to
become a relative expression within a embodied form , it needs to become "LOCALIZED"
which means that it has to become super compressed and condensed into a POINT of
relative energy. When this spirit becomes "EXCITED" by atomic vibration it then
"COALESCES" into what we call "consciousness".
All consciousness is that of compressed PURE Spirit no other thing EXISTS universally.
HICCUPS means a spasm, strong emotions welling up from within, by deeply looking
within ourselves, we can seek out our true inner nature, at the core of our being lies
the answer to who and what you really are.
YOU are PURE SPIRIT clothed within consciousness and moved through emotions
to eventually find your true inner nature, by experiencing the motions of life, which will
eventually this life or the next incarnation dawn upon your awareness, who you really are.
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization
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