This blog today entitled SPARKS is about how "we" are all "SPARKS" of that
ONE Absolute Flame of Divine FIRE, which is that of the SOURCE Intelligent
The Source Point is that LOCALIZED point of universal consciousness that has become
super compressed "LOCALIZED" into the RELATIVE PLANE of expression and thereby
funnelled down into a singularity vortex , into a super compressed KOSHIC ENCLOTHED
point of awareness , which then becomes a born into humanity human being.
All life universally is a SPARK of DIVINITY enclosed within a KOSHA covering of
Ethereal relative awareness energy states.
Pure spirit cannot directly come into contact with gross matter, it needs to be clothed
to do so. Humanity is eight billion sparks of that ONE DIVINE FLAME, that when it
If and when we fully realize ourselves as we TRULY ARE, we would all "INSTINCTIVELY"
fall to our knee's in BOUNDLESS JOY, and weep tears of BLISSFUL SERENITY and
ATONEMENT within the "ALL".
We are all the outward appearance of an inner reality, outwards we are all the
phenomenon of expressed life, but inwardly we are all the NOUMENON of pure
invisible Divine Spirit Intelligence.
The reason why we are all here is twofold, one is to gather experiences and a motioning
phenomenon (YOU) and the other is to wake up and fully realize who and what you
really are.
How long this takes depends on us, and many of us pay endless visits here from the
Astral plane in many different body vehicles until finally one bright day the penny will
drop and we will wake up into the full realization of who and what we truly "OUR"
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.