is nothing, this then presents us with what is called the Divine Paradox which
states that PARADOX is one of the languages of the Divine, an apparent
contradiction that nonetheless contains the truth. The power of a paradox by
its very nature cannot be captured in a single definition.
The fourth mystical law. states Trust in Divine paradox, Irony, and Synchronicity.
So when we say that SOURCE/GOD is NO-THING we are also saying that it is
also EVERYTHING you could possibly imagine, and beyond that limitlessly.
Source being Absolute and relative simultaneously , is both here and not here at
the same time. It is present here in the now space time relativity, and also transcendent
of this relative universe at the same now timeless time.
The SOURCE is both the phenomenon (present relative life) and also the NOUMENON
that Absolute Infinite Intelligence which is eternally motionlessness, and Transcendent
of this universe, but also hidden away within the life body KOSHAS of expressed Life.
"WE" are all SIN-NERS meaning that in essence "we" are all SOURCE SPIRIT (GOD)
that is the SIN part, the last four letters NERS stand for NOTHING-ENERGY-RELATIVE
-SIGNATURE, which when added together make the word "SINNERS". MANKIND
is a MOBILE PARADOX of Divine Intention manifested in shape and form. Outwardly
we are all the phenomenon the relative expression of the LIFE PRINCIPLE , inwardly
we are the NOUMENON that of PURE SPIRIT BEING .
SIN is what we are INSIDE, the NERS expression is that of NO-THING -ENERGY
Relative-Signature, which means your physical body vehicle, KNOW THYSELF
is therefore to KNOW-SIN ???????.
warmest regards michael
kirkpatrickmichael17@gm any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization
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Mind boggling!