Saturday 3 August 2019

Can Humanity Actually Know Reality At Source ? -C H A K R A S .

The question that this blog raises is that can we as humanity actually know reality at source?
For me the answer is most assuredly yes we can, provided we keep an open mind, and are
prepared to look within ourselves for the answer.
The question posed by this blog spells out the word CHARKAS, what exactly is a chakra?
Basically it is a spinning vortex of living energy that links us into the matrix of reality and
our expression here in the physical form. The chakras link into our ethereal and astral
expressions and are absolutely necessary for us to be able to function here, if we look behind
the form and shape of the human being what do you find? Well what you find is energy, Living
Intelligent-Focused-Energy, which spells out the word L I F E , we are all living energy woven
and weaved into a composite whole, invisible energy made visible by condensation down the
vibrant vibrations until it began to set and congeal into visible formations as the physical body.
We are all one hundred per cent energy, nothing less than that,we are never told this, or it is
hardly ever mentioned, except maybe in scientific journals which very few of us would ever read.
The physical body  is composed of living light condensed from its liquid formless form into what
we are all familiar with that of a physical body.
LIFE is energy. which happens to be very intelligent and eternal in nature, that is what we all are
living intelligent focused energy that is eternal and absolute in its nature, here on Earth we are all
encapsulated within a physical vehicle, which we call humanity, and millions of us think that this
vehicle is who you really are, which of course is utter nonsense, we make the mistake of identifying
with the vehicle, rather than the real occupier that of your immortal soul, your higher self.
We can all know reality at source, if we take the trouble to look within ourselves,we need to
understand that we are SOURCE manifesting in human form, reality is what you ARE, we are ALL
the very embodiment of reality, how could we possibly be anything else???? Embodiment of fiction
maybe? We are all the "real deal" we are all SOURCE vastly condensed into a gross entanglement
of congealed energy, when we look within ourselves,we begin the process of raising our vibrations
and will then slowly become less dense or gross matter,connecting with our inner nature will "lighten
our being".
In part two will explore this further.      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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