Friday 2 August 2019

Fiction Of "OTHERS" Debunked. -F O O D Part Two.

How often have we heard the refrain "they" made me do it, or the other one,"it was not me, it was
the "others",perhaps we too have used these old chestnuts of excuses, when picked up by another
regarding our behaviour or what we said! Instead of taking full responsibility for our actions and
deeds, we try and blame someone or something else.
What exactly is this thing called mankind? The ultimate reality is that seven and a half billion
souls, will eventually all condense back into ONE LIFE PRESENCE, which is Absolute Spirit
or GOD for short.
Our vast journey spanning countless aeons moving and experiencing billions of experiences
through an evolutionary arc of gradual unfolding until we reach a point, where we all our now
that of "I AM" consciousness. It is written in the scriptures the saying "BE STILL" and know
that "I AM" GOD,what we very often fail to recognise or understand, is that what this injunction
is actually saying is that YOU the one saying this injunction of "I AM GOD"is actually referring
to YOU the one saying this injunction, it is not in reference to "some other" BODY who is GOD,
rather the injunction means YOU the one saying those WORDS!!!!
Evolution could also be called the gradual process of dissolving back into SOURCE aware
Ultimately we will all dissolve our ego's and personalities, let go of the illusion of individualism
and finally let go of our minds, which we created through our memories and experiences from
birth. We will eventually all "lose our minds"and then we will find our TRUE SELF, which is
Absolute Infinite Spirit, or LIFE for short.
What is laid out here is the ultimate destiny of all LIFE, not just mankind,therefore  no need to
worry or be concerned, because ALL IS UNDER LAW, and we are all SAFE and SECURE
within its infinite loving embrace, there is no RUSH to become dissolved and lose yourself
the one that you are now familiar with,all I have pointed out here is the destiny of humanity
its ultimate soul-lution may take many hundreds or more years to become fully realised.
We are all basically seven and a half billion replications of the ONE REALITY, which is LIFE.
What we call "others" is really you in a different disguise!
Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realisation. 

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