Thursday 8 March 2018

Enlightenment Accentuates Reality Truth Harmonised. E A R T H .

What exactly does enlightenment mean? Does anyone actually know? How would you know if
you had attained enlightenment? These questions have been asked by many down through ages
long past.
Enlightenment has got absolutely nothing to do with what you know, or how much you have
studied, it has got nothing to do with how good and loving you may be, enlightenment actually
means very simply, knowing yourself as the SELF!  In other words it means that you know
through personal experience, and have made conscious contact with your higher self, which
is the soul, and that you fully embrace this divine reality, and have surrendered your ego and
personality on the alter of sacrifice, and therefore are reborn into a higher level of consciousness
and awareness. That simply is what enlightenment actually means, that you know yourself as
A God incarnate upon the earth plane, and that your only reality is the eternal SELF, your name
rank and serial number, plus your occupation, are now seen a totally irrelevant and of no
consequence whatsoever.
So how then does one gain enlightenment if that is your ardent desire? Again the answer is very simple, but please do NOT confuse simple as meaning EASY, for easy it is not.
The very first requirement is to have a desire, better if it is a burning desire to know yourself,
billions of us all think we know ourselves, and can even be very smug about it, of course I know
myself they will say, what a foolish question, they remark. But what the majority of these actually
know about themselves is a very surficial understanding of there habits and emotions, there is
absolutely no real depth understanding of that inner reality that dwells deeply within them, that
of their very own immortal soul.
If you have a wish to know yourself, then you can start with the most basic question one can ask
them self, that question of who am I? Set aside some time each day,teach yourself how to meditate
or practice yoga, enter into the silence, that dwells deeply within you, and when you have entered
into the silence, ask yourself the question,who am I? You must be persistent with this most noble
endeavour , persistence pay big dividends if you remain focused and steadfast in your practice.
Learn to let go of all arising thoughts, ignore them completely, just let them roll on by, keep focused
on the question who am I?
In part two will delve deeper into this question, warmest regards Michael any feed back welcome facebook soul realisation.

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