Tuesday 13 March 2018

Before Us Lies Life Smothered Hopelessly In Trivia. =B U L L S H I T ! Part Two,

What is it that makes us so fascinated by trivia and celebrity worship? God is dead let us all
embrace worshipping none entities who have ego's the size of mount Everest!, And whats more
buy everything they wear and put on their skin. Are our lives so empty that we need to fill this
inner void with shallow worthless trash posing as "entertainment".
Has mankind lost his way and is struggling against a vicious rip tide of superfluous nonsense?
Where fake news is being broadcast by the main media outlets like Google and Facebook , and
we are being sucked into this vortex of lies.
We are all embodiment's of the life principle,we are life which stands for Living Intelligent
Focused Energy=L I F E , that is what we all are,intelligent energy, yet we are squandering
our intelligence by being taken in by a huge global wave of superficiality posing as having
meaning and depth, is there any hope for us at all?
If we are tired of this shallowness, and long to find some depth of meaning in out lives
then we have not too far to look, all we need to do is refocus our gaze from forever looking
outward, to now looking inward,if we need help on this,or advice, we can look through the
many outlets on the web, that teach such things as yoga and meditation, look through these
and find one that resonates with you, then put the teaching into practice and begin the journey
to the deep that lies within us all.
We have so lost our way, that children do not know what a potato is, or what veg actually
looks like, because all their food is processed garbage, instant food, instant diabetes!
Were pink slurry mixed with fat and sugars and called chicken nuggets,is actually being
allowed to be called food! That food will eventually kill you.It is time to take our power back
and not allow outside forces to manipulate the way we think, and what we buy,we are fed lies
daily by food manufactures who fill their products with sugar disguised by varies names,which give
rise to rampant  diabetes which is infecting millions in the west, the drug companies who make
billions out of us by buying their pills.all these companies are using us as cash cows for their
Real depth and meaning are in short supply these days,it is up to us individually to cast aside this
superficial blanket of meaningless trivia, and to descend into the depths of our real divine heritige
that exists within us all, to find out who we really are, and how we are all connected to each other
to find ourselves,and rejoice in the opening up of an enchanting and wonderful life, that exists
within us all, but is hidden from our view by superficiality and false propaganda issued from the
multinational companies that dictate what we think,eat, and do.
Warmest regards Michael/
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feed back welcome facebook soul realisation.

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