Saturday 17 March 2018

Visiting Astral Planes Opens Up Reality. =V A P O U R . Part Two.

We are all energy, and as science has confirmed that energy cannot be destroyed only converted
thereby making all energy eternal by nature. As we then are energy. living intelligent energy, we
also cannot be destroyed, so that the concept of death is an illusion, and that the reality is that
nothing has ever died within this energy filled universe, as that would be absolutely impossible
to occur, and even our science agrees on this point.
So that when we die (change locations) all we ever do is we exit our physical body, and move
seamlessly into our astral body, and continue living as before, albeit in a different location.
The astral realm or plane occupies the same space as the physical plane, we don't actually
travel anywhere in particular, all we do is enter into another dimension that operates on a
higher frequency vibration than that of the physical plane.
Many of us fear death, as it seems to imply, extinction of consciousness, total and absolute
oblivion, total annihilation of self, and if that were true, then that could seem fearful to many
and make us cling onto to life at whatever the cost. Thankfully though this is not true at all
and the truth is that we are all eternal beings,expressed within seven dimensions of perceptive
awareness, although most of us are only really aware of the dense physical dimension, and a few other are aware of the etheric and astral bodies, beyond that, the other five expressions, await
for our personal evolution to catch up to a full consciousness of who we really are.
Reality really expresses itself as that which just "IS" and the "IS" is absolutely totally and fully
Inclusive, there is no such thing as exclusiveness within reality, that concept exists only in the
illusion which suggest this false phenomena  within the dual nature of the relative universe
in the absolute reality no exclusiveness can exist.
Mankind has an urgent need to shift his focus of forever looking outward, to actually shifting
his gaze inward, and in so doing getting to know who he really is, that of a divine immortal
soul, having what is called a human experience while journeying here upon the earth plane.
We all live in two different worlds every day of our expression here on earth,the day light
waking state, which we are all very familiar with, and the night time world where we all go to
when we are asleep, which is the astral plane or realm, of which we know virtually nothing
about .If we are ever going to understand the reality in which we move in,then we need to make
an effort to first get to know that total stranger that dwells within you, and is who you really
ARE, is not an intelligent thing to pursue?
Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome facebook soul realisation.

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