Saturday 31 March 2018

Crisis Reveals Our Soul Signature. =C R O S S Part Two.

The horizontal and the vertical line making the shape of the cross impacts on all human life
here on earth, whether we understand it or not, or know about it or not. We spend countless
lives experiencing the horizontal line of the cross sequence in which the whole of humanity
is engaged in, we explore this horizontal line to the fullest of our experiences, exhausting
all the avenues of egotism both inflated and deflated,fully explore the personality, and play
out and act countless  roles over many life times, then there always comes a point within
each individual life time, perhaps this is the point in your lifetime dear reader, when all the
pain and suffering, all the humiliation, all the loneliness, all the heartache,make us ask the
question, what is the point to all of this? Where am I going? These types of questions make
us look at what our life is actually about, we begin to look for some deeper meaning to all
this,we are fed up with all the superficial  and plastic values of modern life, we begin to
crave depth and meaning in our lives.
Here we at at the point where the vertical line of the cross makes an appearance within
our life, we instinctively feel the need to look within ourselves, we have throroughly
exhausted all the attractions that appear outside of us, we see the hollowness and the
falseness of the way we are informed, by the media and news outlets, we see all the bullshit
that pretends to be real and factual. We crave inner peace and serenity, this is when we start
looking within our own hearts and soul, when we embark upon this vertical line, we are then
heading in the direction where wholeness, beauty, and radiance dwell, where the truth and
reality of who you really are await your discovery.
All of mankind has to journey from gross ignorance to knowledge then on into wisdom
and true understanding and humility, eventually after exhausting all possibilities and acts
man has to finally sacrifice his ego and vanity and false pride on the crucible of the cross
and begin the ascent upon the vertical line.
Man has to crucify his ego upon the cross of awakening in order for him to be reborn
and baptised by the fire of the indwelling spirit. This is the beginning for man on the ascent
into full knowledge of who he really is, that of an immortal eternal soul.
This though is just the beginning of a whole new way of life and living, where the one now
venturing on the vertical  line of ascent begins to experience an expansion of consciousness
and awareness, and begins to glow with an inner light that now illumines his path.
May peace and joy be with all those reading this blog, over this Easter time, any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

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