Friday 23 March 2018

We Are Self Personified. =W A S P Part Two.

W A S P  is about our realising the inner potential that lies at the core of our being, that of the
Divine SELF which is the Great Spirit manifesting within everyone of us human beings.
We all have the potentiality to realise this inner truth of our true identity, where if we do we
can dance  through this life in rhythmic splendour, and be at one with all,  or we can stumble
and fall around in a   ignorant stupor, the choice is ours to make.
Although full realisation of the SELF while incarnated here on earth is entirely  possible it is
highly unlikely  that only one in ten million will possibly achieve this.
Realisation of the SELF is the ultimate achievement possibly for mankind, and many have already
achieved this highest state of consciousness and realisation.
Please do not be put off by this,we are talking about the highest state that a human being can
attain to, there are however many degrees of development that precede this final realisation
we can all make a start, millions of us have already are on their way, upon a path that will
eventually lead us all into full realisation of the SELF.
The beginning of this path starts when we consciously change our gaze from continually looking
outward, to then looking inward, when we start doing this, either by taking up the regular practice
of yoga or meditation, we begin to then start making the connections that will ultimately lead to
our full realisation in the future.
We will then be aligning ourselves with the natural laws of universal expression, and in so doing
begin to make contact with that intuitive aspect of our inner being, that of our higher self, the soul
that inner voice of our conscience is actually the inner voice of our soul, it is also that "still small
voice within us" that speaks to us in times of trial and crisis.
This is the only reason we are all here, we are all here to eventually find the SELF within, and
this takes countless lives over vast ages to complete, we are all on our way, some are just further
along the path than others, this is because of our individual point of awakening upon the axis of
the arc of evolution, varies with each point, some points have been pointing longer that others!
Mans destiny is to find himself, and when man finds his true SELF, he will also find GOD.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

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