There is a story in the Bible which mentions a woman who touches the hem of the
garment that Jesus was wearing, and was immediately healed, This story has a far
deeper meaning than we could imagine. Touching the hem of the garment is a symbol
of a far deeper truth which means that when we go within ourselves in meditation or
yoga, we enter into the silence within us and within that silence our presence our
consciousness makes contact with the HEM of the GARMENT of GOD or the
SOURCE. And this contact this touching is making contact with the SPIRIT within
YOU. Touching the hem of the HOLY GARMENT means that your consciousness
makes contact with the SPIRIT that is within YOU in the core of your BEING.
The cloth of spirit lies within us all it is a layer of inner knowingness that longs to
make contact with its OUTER KIN.
The silent sound of the OM is a beacon that points the way towards an inner connection
with the presence of loving spirit that dwells within you.
This blog called TOTE is about the fact that each one of us has the ability to TOUCH
All we have to do is to go within ourselves and reach out into that inner silence and then
make contact with that inner presence which is that of the spirit that is within you and
also within every human being on this planet. Being WHOLE means all three expressions
of yourself are fully active, being three folded expressions means that we are Physical
mental, and spiritual beings, when all three expressions are fully operative we are then
HOLY which actually means WHOLLY WHOLE and triangularly balanced
Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
I am starting to realize/notice my sunlight inside my heart.