Monday 14 March 2022


 What is it that does the most harm to Humanity? Most of us could think of 101 things

that cause the most harm to humanity. But the biggest by far that is the root cause of all

the wars and disease globally is that of our BASIC IGNORANCE of just who we really 

are!  WHY ARE we not TAUGHT this from childhood? Just who WE ARE  and how we 

are all connected and interconnected to EACH-OTHER. The reason is that most of 

humanity has no IDEA of just who and WHAT they really are. Global IGNORANCE 

of self awareness on a MASSIVE SCALE. Because we fail miserably to know our true

immortal SELF, we are then PLUNGED into a cauldron of misery and suspicion, that

plagues this planet today. WHY are not countries leaders teaching us this reality  of our

immortal true self? And that we are all connected and interconnected to EACH-OTHER.

If we harm ONE SOUL we also equally harm ourselves, this is the immutable law of

KARMA Cause and EFFECT, you cause HARM and it WILL EFFECT YOU! Such is

the universal LAW.

Years ago before the digital age there was some kind of excuse for not knowing who we 

were, but today with global internet and thousands of websites spewing out reams of

information about the Divinity and immortality of mankind, today there is no excuse for

not knowing just who you really are, and when you know that adjusting your life and habits


Global ignorance is a sickness that affects tens of millions of us, it fills unknowing souls

with selfishness, greed, hatred, bigotry, suspicion, the old adage that ignorance is bliss

is a sick parrot joke, because ignorance rather than causing bliss, instead brings destruction

and war fare that has killed millions in this last century alone.

If we can awaken from our ignorant slumber, and put on the cloak of inner self knowing

then peace and joy full ness will reign down upon in place of bullets and bombs.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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