Monday 23 October 2017

Fiction-Expressed-As-Reality.=F.E.A.R. Part Two.

Fear rises when blindness takes hold, the opposite to fear is faith, what can you have faith in if
you have no idea of a higher power than yourself? If you have no belief in a God, who then do you put your faith with? Yourself maybe? Could you get reassurance from your football team when your
life lies in ruins? What about those who worship celebrities? If you or you partner suddenly found
out they had a terminal illness, would you get comfort from your adoring celebrity? Perhaps they
might visit you in the hospice  in between hair appointments?
Faith is the most reassuring antidote to any fear, but where can we find it? Well the answer to that is
very simple, look within your self, there you will find if you persist, the answer that will dispel all
fear from your heart.
One of the biggest reasons we all fear is the one we know nothing about! That is our true identity
and because of this gross ignorance about our true identity and who we really are, there arises within
us all manner of uncertainties  that play out as unknown fears and anxieties, the human race is plagued by unknown and known fears, so much so that millions die each year of fear related
sicknesses, such as addictions, and mental and emotional illnesses, all are fear based in essence.
We are born live and die, billions of us, and never know in the wholeness of that life, who we really
are, this a a horrendous tragedy that i hope in some small way this blog will play a small part in helping to correct this overtime that the grim reaper is putting in "cutting down those millions
every year with his trusty scythe" who all die in fear based problems.
My hope is that by sharing my experiences of finding myself and true nature, i can help others too
so that they can also find their true inner self, and thereby release yourself from the ignorance of not
knowing exactly who you are, and being released also from the fear of not knowing.
If i can help just one soul find themselves and become free from the fear of ignorance, then i shall
be very grateful indeed.
In part three will go into this very very clearly, so that you will all know the way out of this fear
ridden life, and how to become born again into a new level of consciousness and perception.
warmest regards michael, ant comments welcome facebook soul realization

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