Friday 20 October 2017

Countenance-Of-Mankind-Atrophied. =C.O.M.A.

Awareness. =C.O.M.A.
Science informs us that mankind uses only three per cent of his mental faculties, and is therefore
ninety seven per cent unaware of himself and the rest of life.
His consciousness accesses only three per cent of its potential, whereas an animal like and cat or
dog, accesses one hundred per cent of their potential, if you had a dog or a cat that only had three
per cent of itself aware and awake, you would most likely out of pity for it, take it to the vet to be
quietly put to sleep!!!!
Ninety seven per cent of our consciousness potential is unconsciousness, and therefore unavailable
to us, mankind is indeed in a C.O.M.A. and its going to get much worse. Like they say in the films
"you ain't seen nothing yet"!
I wrote in the last blog about a coming tsunami that will wipe out tens of millions of us,maybe
even reaching billions if nothing is done about it.
This tsunami has been gently braking on the shores of man for many years now, its intensity is
growing yearly, within fifteen to twenty years time it will have reached a critical phase in its "wake"
up call to mankind, it will then become a MEGA TSUNAMI that will crash into  mankind with all
the viciousness of a rabid dog, and in its wake perhaps billions will die.
We all need to wake up, and wake up fast, another interesting facet of information is that the average
human say out of one thousand hours of awake consciousness,spends about  nine thousand
nine hundred and ninety nine point five per cent of that time looking outward only! just point five
looking in. And that is the main reason so many millions are dying  of addictive illnesses, and mental
and emotional turmoils every year. If we used our three per cent awake consciousness, and for once
in our lives looked within ourselves and asked that biggest question any human can EVER ASK
The of the question ,WHO AM I? If we knew who we really are, we would KNOW where that
"LONGING" feeling emanated from, and instead of trying to feed this insatiable appetite this
hunger that dwells within man, the empty hollow feeling that we get, and many go to their graves
trying to quench this unquenchable thirst or hunger, we want to feel FULL and not EMPTY and
we cannot succeed the way we are going on today.
In part two will explore this more, may you find some identification here.warm regards michael. any comments welcome, facebook soul realization.

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