Thursday 26 October 2017

Living-Out-Vibratory-Experience.=L.O.V.E. Part Two.

Love is the "energy of spiritual intention,made manifest" love is, absolute acceptance, and absolute
inclusivity, this vibrant energy pulsates through everyone of us, and we are completely unaware
of this reality.
Millions of us, maybe even billions, are basically LOST, which translates out as this;Love-Ousted
-Signal-Trapped= L.O.S.T. and what is this THING that is trapping our divine signal? The answer
is our EGO'S, our egos filled not only with our exaggerated ideas of self importance, but also drip
fed bullshit, from the media, advertisers, and big pharma, all with one intention only, that of keeping
your focus forever looking outward, never within, (God Forbid) and also keep spending money buying their worthless crap!
Try an experiment with your friends or family, ask them exactly who are you? Tell them that you
don;t want their name, you already know that, you also know what they do for a living, and you also
know where they were born, and how old they are, tell them that you know all that stuff what they have told you, but they still have not told you WHO THEY ACTUALLY ARE? Can you dear reader
of this blog,do you know EXACTLY WHO YOU ARE? Not your name,rank, and serial number,
but who are you? What exactly is a HUMAN BEING? You are one, who then are you? Basically
a human being is just a VEHICLE, a vehicle for the REAL BEING who is inside this biological
"spacesuit" that of your higher self, the SOUL, and the energy of the soul is unconditional LOVE
a radiant energy that illuminates the universe, however by the time that this energy which is at
source spirit, then steeped down in vibration to be provided a vehicle for the soul, which is fluid
energy, like liquid light, then by the time we get to the physical vehicle, we are vibrating very,
very slowly, and that living energetic liquid light energy, becomes congealed, solidifies, and becomes
our human body, the"spacesuit" for the soul. On top of all this sluggishness and low vibratory rate,
we then have another problem in the form of the EGO, and a whole life time of conditioning,
where we have been taught from a child, to forever look outwards, never within. is it any wonder
then that love on this planet is in short supply?
In part three will attempt to unify all these loose ends and make a wholesome answer.
warmest regards michael. any comments welcome soul realization face book.

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