Monday 9 September 2019

Nothing Is Real Vibration Absolute Numen Allness.. N I R V A N A .

Nirvana exists within the core of all life,wherever it may hail from.All life comes from the
SOURCE of LIFE, that which is the Infinite Absolute Being, that is known by many names.
We all come from this source and we all will eventually return to this Source.Science is
gradually aligning its self with the ancient teachings and wisdom of the East.Science already
knows that energy cannot be destroyed, only converted into another place or state. And  science
is slowly realising that all there really is, is ENERGY, science says energy is all, Eastern
teachings say that Brahman is all, or God is all!
Confusion arises from the concept of the many,clarity dawns within the realisation of the ONE
THING that JUST is ALL!!
Reality is in truth no-thing, rather it is the ONE and ONLY THING that is in existence universally.
All the names, labels, that we use to describe "things" are in truth ALL the very "SAME THING"
because there is no-other-thing in existence except the ALL THING which science would call
energy, with perhaps the added word of "intelligent energy", the East would call this one force
Brahman, or we in the west GOD!
Brahman.God,intelligent energy, are in fact all the VERY SAME THING.Because we all have in
our outer appearance the physical body, which by nature is relative, therefore we are all relative
beings, our absolute inner core is unknown to most of us. So being relative to all other beings, we
are hooked into the illusion of the MANY, and fail to see the presence of the ONE FORCE.
Although there appears to be billions of different things, this is an illusion, if you look beneath
the outer form or shape of ANY THING, you will always find the ONE THING and that is ENERGY/Brahman,God,we are confused by the many, and fail to discern the ONE.
The absolute numen allness that is mentioned in this blogs title,is YOU deep within your core
being,the word numen comes from the Latin meaning divinity,or divine presence, we all our divinity
and our presence is felt within the human race. By going within ourselves, we can actually draw that
Nirvana energy into our physical being consciousness, then great peace and serenity will arise within
you and blossom into the physical realm,.
In part two will explore this more.       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul realisation,.

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