Friday 6 September 2019

Zero-Point Energy Reveals Omnipresent Source.-Z E R O S part Two.

The NEW SCIENTIST website, asks the question,"where does the zero-point energy come
from"? That is an interesting question indeed. My answer would be that it has not come from
anywhere at all, rather we are ALL totally immersed within its field, and we know it NOT!
Another name for the trendy one of the zero-point energy or field, would be a much more
mundane name that of consciousness and awareness, because consciousness and awareness
are really the same thing.
The unified field of infinite intelligence is consciousness. consciousness is the ground state of
all universal occurrences. Consciousness can be seen as a "transcendental unity,and a universal
diversity"consciousness contains all life universally within its absolute infinite embrace.
The zero-point field or consciousness is the absolute life force energy being expressed in
(E)motion vibration.
Life that moves is relative,life that does not move is ABSOLUTE. Human beings are relative
condensed energy, which is LIGHT congealed into substance,intangible energy becoming
tangible by lowering it vibration rate of frequency.Our outer appearance is relative because
it MOVES, but the core matrix of "man" is spirit/life/ and is absolute and does not  MOVE
-zero-point-zero motion, and the reason it does not move is by virtue that is is then ABSOLUTE
and therefore OMNIPRESENT.
Each breath we take represents MOTION, but between those two movements there is stillness
no breath at all, this breathless state reveals the absolute if we use our awareness and focused
consciousness, become like an laser beam of intense inner scrutiny.
Mankind is zero-point energy moving through experiences on two legs!Zero-point energy has
nothing to do with zero temperature or absolute zero, these are interesting sidelines that divert
the consciousness field from its "ground state" inclusive all embracing STATE, to one of an
exclusive intellectual state, which if persist in leads to what could be called mental
masturbation. We all ARE zero-point beings, because we are all consciousness being expressed
within the form we call humanity,the EXPRESSION becomes the MOTION from STILLNESS
Consciousness/LIFE/zero point field,all EMERGE from absolute motionlessness,the FIELD never
moves, it is us who are the movers and the shakers, because we are all vortexes of an "I AM" field
anchored within a point of reference, and within that dimension of rotary I AM consciousness
we draw zero-point energy into our vortex matrix by the power of thought, which creates motion
within the stillness of the infinite oceanic field of consciousness.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

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