Sunday 22 September 2019

Vibrational Envelope Has "I" Consciousness Living Energy.-V E H I C L E Part Two.

We as universal absolute SPIRIT eternal and transcending Alpha and Omega, we who are before
the universe was manifested, were "I AM" consciousness, have now been localized. (lost our
universal absolute BEINGNESS) and are now focused within a narrow beam or life/light stream.
We are all micro-encapsulated within a physical matter density form,which in truth consists of
congealed LIGHT, light that has "SET" because of its slow and sluggish vibration frequency.
We are basically all "points of reference" within the eternal and absolute life stream, which then
has arisen the illusion of relativity, within relativity we also have the illusion of polarity,and that
of positive and negative poles, the illusion of time and space,the illusion of different things, these
only "seem to exist" in a relative frame of reference. Outside of that frame of reference, they are
all NONE EXISTENT,and the only reality is absolute.
We all have five expressions (sheaths) each one within its dimensional frequency range cascading
"downwards" from its high vibration state and finally exiting within the physical backdrop of
Planet Earth, which is the lowest frequency that permits the condensation of the liquid life stream
energy to emerge into physical matter flesh and bone..
The vast majority of us are completely unaware of these five sheaths of expression, few realize
the existence  of our ethereal body which is an electric blue flame that completely encircles the
physical body(sometimes called the health aura) and a few realize the existence of our astral body
which is firmly attached to our physical body, and automatically "snaps off" when we die(change
locations) very few indeed know much or anything about our other sheaths of expression.
That is why we are all here, to make conscious connections through many life time experiences
here upon the earth plane, to connect with our inner SELF and begin to uncover who we really
are, and doing this will expand our consciousness from a narrow band shallow version of what
we think is real, into an oceanic expanse of cosmic consciousness, that will literally blow your
mind, and will finally reveal that "WE" no longer exist and separate beings, that in truth we are
"ALL ABSOLUTE.There is only ONE REALITY and "WE" are IT!!!!! The journey that you
dear reader are on today, will some day deliver YOU to that door of DIVINE PERCEPTION
In which you will then KNOW beyond ANY SHADOW OF DOUBT,who you really ARE!!!!
warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

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