Saturday 28 September 2019

Fractals Universal Self Symmetry Expressing Divinity.-F U S S E D Part Two.

A fractal is a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is
(at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole, a property called self-similarity.
A mathematical fractal is based on an equation that undergoes iteration a form of feedback
based on recursion. Fractals exist within the whole seemingly complex nature of what we
call life,the human brain for instance is full of fractals, in fact they couldn't function if not
for fractal geometry. The human brain comprises approximately 100 billion neurons,and
amazingly there are about 100 trillion synapes, or connections, among the brain cells.
I wrote a poem a few years ago, which echo's this self symmetry, and mirror imaging that
flashes our signals to each of us, as we observe another's behavior, and see ourselves
replicated in the one being observed! The poem is called  "MIRROR IMAGE"
"Mirror image speak to me,tell me of truth, and liberty, slay the darkness of my soul,
uproot my ignorance and make we whole."
If we can begin to understand the fractal nature of this entire universe, and everything
contained within it, we will see that all life weaves complex patterns of self replicating
images of its MASTER COPY, the whole universe is connected to the Absolute totality
of all that is within the universe. Time and space are all illusions,we are all absolutely
totally immersed within an infinite fractal field of consciousness , and even consciousness
is a fractal self imaging reality.
As the great master Ramana Maharshi once said, when asked by a devotee, "how should we
treat others, master"? The master replied, "there are NO OTHERS!!
There are no others in existence .there is only ONE LIFE that when it is expressed it manifests
MOTION, and that motion takes the formless form of self symmetry , which is divine
replication in an infinite diverse way.
We may think that we are all different from say a cabbage, or a rose flower,but the real difference
is only in DEGREE, in essence the cabbage and the rose flower,is equal to you and me.
When we see and understand the unified field of absolute connectivity we will then begin to
flower and blossom, and we will then reflect this realization to the ones we reflect with the most.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

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