Thursday 5 September 2019

Zero-point Energy Reveals Omnipresent Source. Z E R O S .

Our awareness and consciousness is contained within a localised physical dimensional field
and this field holds our "I AM" consciousness within a vortex of spinning intelligent energy
that is held in coherence by the intentional field of our immortal soul/spirit. We are all wrapped
up within an intentional field of focused consciousness, and from this intentional field we are
informed within a physical vehicle, and call ourselves mankind. The infinite absolute unified
field of consciousness, becomes  and leaves its non-locale omnipresent state, to that of being
localised upon and within a vehicle on planet Earth.
Science states that at the point of presence where the zero point energy is detected the is no
rotational motion present, it is motionless. this is because consciousness is the zero point field
and consciousness is motionless and omnipresent. It cannot move, where could it move to
where it was not already there? It is ONLY expressions of life that MOVE, consciousness is
NOT an expression, it IS LIFE unexpressed and ABSOLUTE. It is us who "seem" to move
because we are relatively expressed formations of compressed light/energy.
Our localised matrices which contain our "I AM" consciousness, draw energy from the ZPF
by way of our thinking, we draw into our energy matrix consciousness, and the act of our
thinking manifests motion being drawn into the rotational field of our "I AM" field awareness
we are actually all moving through eternal stillness and are all completely unaware of this.
We need to understand that consciousness has nothing to do with THINKING, thinking only
exists within a expression of LIFE, LIFE unexpressed is devoid of thought, perfection has no
need of such a thing as thought, it do not exist within absolute reality, it only exists within our
limited awareness of what life actually IS.
By going within ourselves, by gradually ceasing the flow of thought we then our activating our
perceptual awareness which if practised regularly  will lead us into an understanding of just what
we really are. We will be in contact with that ZPF of energy, which is consciousness, the deeper
we go within ourselves the greater levels of consciousness we will perceive, and this will produce
a greater understanding of what life actually means.
In part two will explore this further       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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