Sunday 3 September 2017

The Ubiquitousness Of The Now Part Two.

In the play Richard III, act 1,  scene 1, by William Shakespeare, the words said are, "now is the winter of our discontent" are we not all in our winter of discontent this very day? A few centuries
have passed since that play was written, but what has really changed in that time? There was fighting
and wars then centuries ago in that now, and here we are in our present state of now, still engaged
in wars and bloodshed, with a possible war occurring in North Korea any day now.
The eternal ever present now, changes not, and it seems that even though we are all moving along
the pathway of evolution, we have not changed much either! There seems to be a stagnation within
us that we seem to be unable to break free from, rampant egotism and greed, still appear to be the main two thrusts that propel our leaders into battles of power over land and minerals. This is a centuries old battle and mentality, we have in fact moved very little over time.
The eternal and the temporal exist within each other, we are both, we are dual, and temporal on the
outside, and eternal and absolute within us, we live in this reality simultaneously being in both
realities or dimensions and only really beginning to understand the outer temporal nature, the inner
eternal nature we know ittle or nothing about.
We all exist within this ubiquitous field, which is called the NOW, some have also called this ubiquitous field, the etheric or the aether or ether, it really matters not what you call it, it is exactly
the same thing, it is this infinite and absolute field in which all motion is contained within, that permits the connectivity of all things, and also answers the questions raised in quantum
non locality,where two particles light years apart can both act together at the same time, they can
do this because they are connected within the NOW, and therefore time,space, and distance are seen
as they really are, which is illusions, they appear to be real, but are not.
Our perspective on the now will reveal how much you are aware of it, the now can be as small as
a point, or as large as a universe, it all depends on your level of consciousness and perspective, the
greater our depth of conscious awareness is the more of now we will be aware of, think of an
astronaut in orbit around the earth, from their perspective they can see both night and day all at the
same time, whereas from your prospective on earth you would have to wait hours to see what they see all at the same time.Consciousness and now are linked together, will explore this in the next blog.
warmest regards michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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