Friday 22 September 2017

Death Is An Illusion Change Is A More Appropriate Word Part Three.

A great spiritual master was asked by a devotee, what is the difference between you and I? The
master replied, the difference between you and I is this, I am God and that I know that I am God,
you are God, and you do not know that you are God, that is the difference.
We are all on a journey of discovery, and will all ultimately realise the truth behind those words,
we are all Gods in truth, its just that we do not know that yet,or even realise this potential that
lies deep within us all.
All life is eternal, we are all eternal beings, death is an illusion and does not, and cannot exist
what occurs is change, we exit our physical body, and link into our astral body, and continue
to experience life encapsulated within form.
Carl Gustav Jung  in his writings on the Collected Unconsciousness  of mankind and its archetypes
saw quite clearly how we are all connected at a deep level within our psyches, and how this influences our lives and dream worlds,Jung also saw much evidence of the continuing of life
after death.
The astral realms are actually created by us over vast ages past, our collected consciousness has
created this realm of thoughts being things, and we gravitate to the place where we are in tune with
and vibrate on the same level.
All our dreams both pleasant and otherwise are within this place, we have to realise that THOUGHTS
really are THINGS,and are created by us. The astral realms are really holding stations for us in
between incarnations, the astral realm is our creation, man too is a creator, we need to fully understand this reality, we only stay on earth and the astral for as long as we need to upon our
evolutional pathway,when we have grown spiritually and expanded our consciousness to a cosmic
level, and have exhausted all our selfish natures, become totally inclusive and offer uncondional
love, then we can tack our leave of earth and the astral lane, and move on into a consciousness that
at present is beyond our understanding.
Coming back now down to earth, we can if we so choose, change the way we act and do things,
when we know that thoughts are actually very real things, and can take shape and form, think of
an architect who draws up plans for a building, first it exists within his mind (thoughts) he then
finishes his drawings, (thoughts) and then when approved gather all the materials and build a house.
Our thoughts if focused for long enough also take shape and form, so be careful what you think
my friends.
warmest regards michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization.

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