Friday 8 September 2017

P.E.R.F.E,C.T.I.O.N. Part Three.

-Numinosity, that is what perfection is when broken down into its ten expressions into wholeness.
If we we all in positive alignment with all of our seven expressions, then we would all express that
perfection here on earth. Because we are all out of alignment we do not ever express our full potential
and are therefore always running way under par.
In essence we are all perfect, it is just in out outer expressions that we fail to align ourselves to the
natural laws of life, and the main reason for that is our ignorance of even the existence of these
universal laws.
None of us have ever lived up to our full potential, with a few exceptions along the way, that show
it can be done if we align ourselves to life fully, like the Buddha, and Jesus, we all seem to fail to make the grade, why is this i wonder? Perhaps it lies in our psyche the suggestion that we can never
attain perfection, we all seem to sell our selves short,we do not believe that we are capable of ever
achieving perfection, not ever realising that we all already are perfect, (in the sense that the infinite
intelligence from which we all emerge from, does not make rubbish!)  We may well feel like rubbish
at times, and our life may be full of pain and hardship, but at our core we are all whole and perfect.
We are made of energy, we all our energy, living, intelligent, focused, energy, which spells out LIFE
that is what we really are LIFE, we are living beings, running way under par, mainly due to our
ignorance of our true identity, and also the unhealthy way we all  live, and eating processed and
junk food,
We can all take steps though to alter this, we can all change what we do,think, eat, and act,if we take
the trouble to do so, like i said at our core of being we have always been perfect, its just that we are so out of touch with our inner reality, that we all our basically lost unto who we really are, and know
nothing about alignment, or even what it means.
If we live right physically, that means we take regular exercise, eat healthy wholesome food, keep
our weight down to a healthy level, avoid smoking, drink less alcohol,or none at all, get plenty of sleep, and talk and share with our friends regularly, if we do that,chances are we will be physically
healthy, and well. perfectly fit so to speak? Then mentally, if we practise positive thinking, and positive acting, be optimistic rather than the opposite state,try and look on the bright side, rather than
the dark side, accept things as they are, and only change the things you can (which is usually yourself) if you do all this, then mentally you will become mentally balanced, and free of fear and
anxiety, you will then be what could be called perfectly mentally balanced and centred.
If then you took up yoga or meditation, and made thia a daily practice, you would reduce greatly
and deflate the ego, you would look more kindly towards others, you would begin to cultivate things
like humility, gratitude, joy, and peacefulness within,which would greatly improve your spiritual
life and well being, and you would be well on your way toward aligning yourself up with the laws
of universal life and expression, and in so doing, you would reveal an ever present loving energy
that would be welling up from you central core,and within that up-welling you would be expressing
a  loving energy into your surroundings that others would feel and benefit from, so in effect you would be expressing a wholesomeness emanating from yourself, which could in effect be called
perfection.We are all three fold beings, physical, mental, and spiritual.
warmest regards michael, comments welcome face book soul realization.

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