Thursday 7 September 2017

P.E.R.F.E.C.T,I.O.N. Part Two.

The breakdown of the word perfection,which spells out,pulsating,energy,releasing,focused,
ensouling, consciousness, transmitting, into, overshadowing, numinosity, reveals what actually
makes up that which is perfect. Many aspects of unifying forces make the complete representation
of that which is wholly whole, which is perfection itself.
Are we then wholly whole? Are we not then perfect? Many would no doubt argue that we are a long way from being perfect, but does that opinion hold good? Do those that argue that we are not perfect
actually know and understand what perfection actually is? My guess would be no, they do not, so then what would be the reason for not accepting that we are in fact perfect? Do we all display actions
and mannerisms that seem to be far from perfect? Are we not at war with our neighbours? Are we not
killing our fellow humans, because of differences of opinions? All these actions seem to display that
we are far, very far from being perfect,is that the case then? Is there such a thing as degrees of perfection? Can one actually be partially perfect? Can a woman be partially pregnant? There are many questions that need answering here, the full picture is very clouded by our ignorance and
lack of understanding of what theses terms actually mean, is perfection the same as wholeness?
If it is, and we can accept that definition then there are truly whole and perfect beings here on the
earth today.
Although there is much sickness and ill health in this world, there is also many millions who are
fit and well and very healthy,their bodies radiate health and well being, these people could be said that physically speaking they are perfect, their bodies are working perfectly,maybe emotionally
and mentally they are not wholly whole, but physically they are, they could in turn then be described
as being partially perfect, but not wholly perfect.
To express our perfection, perfectly, we would need to align ourselves to the aspects that we display
our expressions through,we would need to further realise that we are all three fold expressions
of intelligent energy that vibrates at different levels within our three fold expression, we are very
basically, physical, mental, and spiritual beings,three fold expressions of life, in the form and shape
of something called a human being!
Therefore we may be expressing ourselves perfectly physically, but not mentally and spiritually,
so in order to balance up the other two aspect of being, we need to take some conscious action in
order to bring about an alignment of the other two aspects of being.
Will explore this more fully in part three.
warmest regards michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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