Tuesday 26 September 2017

Zen Koans I Just Made Up Part Two.

Koans are there to jar our minds, to cause us to think out of the usual box we all think in, my first
Koan that i made up is this, "your past is always ahead of you" we can move towns, move countries
in the future even move to another planet, it really matters not where you go to, your past will be
always be there waiting for you.
My second Koan is "If your mind  is still,then you will move forward" stilling the mind as in the
practice of meditation or yoga, enables us to penetrate deeper into our spiritual nature, and in so
doing, gaining valuable insight into our true nature, and thereby progressing forward in
consciousness and perception.
My third Koan is, "the more you speak,the less you really say" we all seem to be strangers to
silence, and  are forever talking far too much and far too often,when two people meet in silence
much more can be communicated  in a few moments, than an hours talking.
My forth Koan is, "smugness is imagining more of your self, than what actually exists," when we
think we get the better of our neighbor, and think to ourselves, "that showed him! What are we
actually doing? Are we not belittling ourselves at the expense of our ego's? What real comfort is
there to be had at another's expense?
The fifth Koan is, " if you flush away the outer crap,the inner remains" If it were so easy to flush
away our guilt's and remorse as it is to flush away our bodily functions, then we would all be
in a heavenly clover field
My last Koan in this exciting saga is, "physical death removes the physical body, but not our
responsibilities" I learn't long ago that we can never escape our Karma and our responsibilties
the fact that we die (change bodies) makes absolutely no difference whatsoever, what we owe to
life must be paid in full, to the very last penny, and death makes no real difference to the matter.
Life for all of us is eternal, so we haveplanty of time to balance the books, and gain some expansion
of consciousness and awareness, and grow into a spiritually minded  being who learns how to
align themselves to natural universal laws and thereby stop making and producing negative Karma.
I hope you like these made up Koans they have all helped me greatly in my journey through what
is ofter called "the vale of tears" the earth plane.
warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com comments welcome facebook soul realization.

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