Thursday 31 August 2017

Two dimensional Consciousness Awake Physical Awake Astral Part Two,

When we talk about visiting the astral plane nightly, and also going there when we die, we are naturally  assuming that life continues after physical death (change), which of course it most
certainly does. Life is fundamentally and actually energy, spelt out it spells living intelligent
focussed energy=LIFE, and science itself admits that energy cannot be destroyed, only changed
or converted  ,and  as we are all energy when we die(change) we discard the physical body (vehicle)
and use solely for a while our astral body, which we all have been using all of  our physical life
its just that most of us never remember our nightly excursions on the astral plane.
It is said by some that there are seven levels within the astral plane, this is not exactly that accurate
though, because each of those seven planes of expression, have all within them, many sub planes
which can number forty nine levels of expression, which within these many levels each of us is attracted to when we leave the physical body. There is an expression that parallels the astral world
the expression on earth is the adage, "birds of a feather, flock together," and the other adage that again equally applies in the astral is this, "like attracts like" It is only on the earth plane that direct
polar opposites can occupy the same space, such as you could sit on a bus next to an axe murderer
and be none the wiser, this could not happen on the astral plane, only on the earth plane can polar
opposites meet in the same room, in the astral when you get there at your death, you will feel very much at home, as those around you will be in harmony with the way that you are, because they think
and act very much like you. so if when you die, you were a good natured helpful soul, kind and considerate to others, you will gravitate exactly to those who parallel  your mode of expression,
if  however you have been a lying, cheating, self centred selfish son of a bitch, who trod on others
to better yourself, then you will gravitate to others exactly like yourself, birds of a feather flock
together! The natural law which in some circumstances seems to be evaded here on the earth plane
cannot be evaded in the astral plane, it operates perfectly and absolutely.
Some of you by now will be asking the question, will I meet up with my family and loved ones when I die? Well the operative word here is loved ones, if there is true love and feeling between you and
another being, then the answer is yes you will be reunited with them, but if there was no bond of love
then the answer is no, you will be separated by vibrational differences.
In part three, will try and piece this altogether.
warm regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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