Friday 11 August 2017

Return To Sender Address Unknowm.

A song from the sixties by my then favourite singer Elvis Presley, was called  Return to sender, address unknown, no such number, no such phone, this song title gave me the ides for this blog.
We are all returning to the sender, after spending vast aeons of time evolving along an arc of
evolution, we have all now reached a point in our evolution where we have become self conscious
and self aware.
The sad thing about this journey is that the vast majority of us are completely unaware that we are on any journey, many think that you are born, live a while then die and that it, end of story. And there
is no formal education offered to teach you otherwise. And who is this sender that we all return to anyway? Well the answer to that is surprisingly simple, we all return to our real self, which is basically absolute, infinite, and eternal, we finally return to our higher self, which is God, Absolute,
Infinite Energy, Great Spirit, or any other name that suits you. that are all exactly the same thing,
as the bard Shakespeare once said ,"A  rose by any other name would smell as sweet".
The sole reason we are here is to discover and realize the soul within each and every one of us, that
is the only reason we are here, and have been here for countless centuries past.
Reincarnation is a fact of evolution, the two go hand in hand, you cannot have one without the other
the two forces blend seamlessly together, and extract from us eventually a way of living that is in
harmony with natural universal law, and when we finally are able to align ourselves in harmony
with this universal law, we will then stop automatically  incurring any more karma, and will then
burn of all our dues, and eventually be totally free of any more dues owed, we then are able to step
of the wheel of karma, and therefore will have no need to return here, unless we desire so.
Those of us who still have a burden of karma to burn off, when we die (change bodies, from physical
to astral) go to the astral plane, the very same place you have visited  hundreds of times during your sleep time, its just that without training, we forget every morning where we have been all night.
There is the astral plane we meet up with other friends and family, have a rest, then take stock of our last life, see where we made mistakes, see where we could have done things differently, see where we done well, then when all this is done, we willstart thinking about our return here, more about that
in part two.
warmest regards Michael, comments welcome face book soul realization.

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