Thursday 17 August 2017

Our Inner Nature Reveals Inclusivity Outer Nature Reveals Exclusivity .

We have two basic natures, one within, and one without, the one without is primarily exclusive
and exactly parallels with the word mine, the inner nature is primarily inclusive and parallels the
word our, the outer exclusive energy is constrictive by nature, as it excludes all those who do not fit
into the criteria of this exclusiveness, the inner energy which is inclusive by nature is expansive
and includes all, it is forever open and embracing, while the other is closed to most.
Many of us spend our lives drawing only from the outer realm of our being, thereby being selfish
by nature, some more so than others, there are many degrees of selfishness, as there are indeed
of inclusiveness, no one of us is wholly selfish, or wholly unselfish, all behaviour within our orbit
is by degree.
We can look into our own life and see what dominates our every day manner and behaviour
are we mostly mine operated, or are we ours,  do we easily include others into our space, or
are we reluctant to do so, are we mostly concerned about "what's in it for me" or do we pay no
attention to this , are we naturally generous by nature, or miserly, our basic instincts which are
for survival primarily are very much self exclusive by nature, and rightly so, when  in the past
we had to confront dangerous animals that could kill and eat us, but those days are long gone
for the vast majority of us, we no longer have to fear attack from wild beasts, but nature being
slow to catch up, drags us along as though we were still in the jungle!
Are we takers, or givers? If we are mostly takers, then we are unbalanced, and this taking compulsion
will not go unnoticed by others, and we will loose many friends by this behaviour, if on the other
hand we are givers, then most likely we will have many friends, and some may try and take advantage of your generous nature, so there needs to be a balance here as well.
Most of us will spend the majority of our waking life, drawing only on the outer part of our dualistic
nature, and only when asleep at night will we automatically be oriented into the inner world of our being, getting caught up in dreams, and travelling within the astral realm where we all visit every night.
We all need to try and see the wisdom of getting a balance between these two expressions of our being, we need to look at while we are awake during the day, to take some time, and look within
yourself, this a a way towards balanced living , and opening up deeper levels of consciousness
within us.
Will go more fully into this in part two. regards Michael. comment welcome face book soul realization.
,                 /

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