Monday 14 August 2017

Shallowness Is All There Is Left Depth Has Gone.

We live in a world where we have all been assigned by the advertising moguls as all having a
three second attention span,(slightly less I may add than a goldfish) that is why your screen flashes
so fast, so they can hold your attention long enough for you to buy the outrageously overpriced
crap that they all peddle to us. Our news media is exactly the same, celebrities, from singers, to
 actors, models, football stars, all get more airtime, than those dying of disease and hunger, have
you ever wondered why this is? Well the answer is basically very simple, starving kids and adults
do not sell products, what sells products are some celebrity flashing her ass in public, or a footballer
rolling up a joint of cannabis on camera, that sells products.
If we, and heaven forbid we do, have a war with North Korea, where the possibility of tens of
thousands dying on both sides of the divide, you will see then that the advertisers will be right in there, and after only a few minutes news of the war and thousands dying as you watch the screen
they will be blasting out as many adverts as they can cram in, knowing they have a captive audience
watching the war news.
We live in a shallow and plastic filled world, where decency and respect have all but gone, all deep feeling and emotions seemed to be replaced by bullshit substance-less trash posing as something
with depth, cheap voyeurism and flashy shows, filled with those who should not have given up their
day job, all these shows which have the gall to call them entertainment, all these shows are again
designed for the three second attention span, and filled with endless adverts, in really the show
is just a mask, a pretence, the real star of all these shows, is the advertisers.
We are daily fed a diet of lies and deception, there is no such thing today as independent news, all global news is owned by about five moguls, who decide what you get to hear, see and know, and
again it is celebrities that get the most coverage, because they sell things, those being bombed
and maimed do not sell products, and selling products is the God and master of this shallow
We are all drowning in the shallows, any real depth seems as rare as a puddle in the Sahara desert
It seems that any semblance of reality, is hidden under a layer false assumptions and pedalled out
mantras, like, buy, buy, buy, we are all living in a sewer and believing it is a palace, such is the
deception and lies that we have all bought into.
In part two will try and suggest a at out of this delusion.
warmest regards Michael comments welcome face book soul realization.

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