Monday 7 August 2017

Who-Am-I-Truly-User-Power. - W.A.I.T. U.P.

This blog is hopefully going to start a movement toward waking us all up to the reality of just who
exactly we are, and the real beauty of this truth, is that you do not have to take my word for it, or any
body else for that matter, because you are the very embodiment that I am talking about, and to
prove this reality all you have to do, is go within yourself, practice meditation, and ask the question
to yourself, who am I? If you do this for a while the answer will intuitively be delivered to you.
Then you will know exactly who you really are, I want this message of waking up to spread across
the globe, i want this blog to go viral, viral stands for view it really and learn=VIRAL.
Most things that go viral these days are either cute, or nasty but not really life changing stuff.
If we all knew who we were the whole world would be in blissful harmony, where there would
be no wars, no ego centric dominating leaders, no addictive illnesses that kill millions every year,
no cancers or heart disease, there would be a word full of helpful souls who would treat each other
with love and respect, all this and so much more would be delivered to us, if we did one simple
yet profound thing, and that was to know exactly who and what we are, if we all knew that one
thing, then life on earth would be a paradise to behold.
WAIT UP i am hoping can become a byword for self knowing and understanding, that we may
at lest recognise that without real knowledge and understanding of who we are, we are all doomed
to a fate and destiny far worse than any death, it will be a living death here on earth, which it already
is for millions of us now, and us in the west will soon feel that wrath of this ego centred madness
as we too will feel like we are all living in a war zone.
i urge you all who read this blog, to please pass it on to your friends and family, we all now on earth stand at the cross roads, one way will lead to the end of life as we know it, the other way will lead to
expansion and growth of values like love, acceptance, compassion, and kindness.
We can not point the finger at any one in particular, it is just the way we have evolved into a situation
where the reality of what we really are has been lost in the mists of time, although there are many
web sites on the internet giving out this kind of information, but how many are reading this? How many of you out there will read this? i shall be putting this up on face book as well later, in the hope
it will reach more folks.
In part two will go more deeply into who we actually are, and how you can find this truth for your self.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome, face book soul realization.

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