Thursday 24 August 2017

To Be Taught From Within Equals Intuition Part Three.

Who am I ? This is a question that we rarely if ever ask ourselves, and if we do in a moment of
quiet introspection we usually do not get any farther than our name, job, that's about as far as most
ever go, and live their entire life, never having a clue about who or what they really are.
In this modern age of instant connectivity with the internet and smart phones, we are bombarded
with so much information and advice about how to live our lives, how to be healthy, how to
meditate, and find a guru to guide you along the path of life.
I want to mention here which is of immense importance and needs to be fully understood by all of
you reading this blog, there is absolutely NO NEED for any of you to seek out the advice of any
self styled guru, and perhaps be conned or maybe "invited" to pay for his teachings and seek
some form of enlightenment, the internet is awash with these so called gurus and "masters" many
are nothing more than con men, and others in various stages of delusion. If you earnestly ask the
question who am I? and persist with this line of questioning, practice daily meditation, look deeply
within your self, and if you do this, then you will be most profoundly surprised when you make
conscious contact with that still small voice within you, this inner voice which many of you will
have heard whispering reassuringly to you when you were in a difficult situation or crisis, this
inner voice that whispers to you, is your inner guru, the master within you, which can be called
our higher self or soul, all seven billion of us humans have an inner guru, a teacher and divine monitor within, that resides within us in the heart chakra.
We all live in a world where outwardly we are in the modern age of  mass communication and
awareness, but within us we are as good as completely cut off from the reality that exists within us
the vast majority of mankind know absolutely nothing about this inner guru, our soul, we forever
look outward into illusion and deception. If I can spell out who exactly we are, then you can go and test this, by looking within your self and finding correspondence within you to what has been shared here. First, we are all souls, having a human experience here on earth, our physical bodies, are just
vehicles, for the soul to use to gain purchase in this dense vibrational plane.
Being souls, we are all immortal beings, that means we never die, we just exit our vehicles when we have finished with them, and move into the astral plane, for further experience.
You reading this blog now, have within you an immoral soul, that is WHO YOU REALLY ARE!
All you have to do to find your inner teacher, is to look within yourself, ask the question, who am I ?
Practice daily meditation, you will then begin to discover this wonderful being, who is YOU, that lives within your heart, as you persist in this daily meditation, you will begin to become more in tune
with this inner soul, your intuition will be fired up, and you will be then be ready to be taught from
within yourself, which is the correct meaning of the word In-tuition.
Warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization

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