Sunday 6 August 2017

Blindness To Reality Invites Bullshit To Mask As Truth..

There is a saying that ignorance is bliss, and while blissful you will buy into all manner of
peddled bullshit by the purveyors of these lies such as the advertisers, and media outlets.
Because nobody seems to understand what reality actually is, it is usually the one with the most money and advertising space who will persuade us to buy their brand of crap pretending to bring
you vibrant good health.
We have all advanced greatly in the field of electronics and other similar technologies , when I was a boy there was no such things as mobile phones, or personal computers, they did not exist for me then
now we all have these devices, but as far as knowing and understanding who we really are, we are stuck way back in the stone age!
Billions of us know absolutely nothing about who we are, and what we are, there is hope though I
asked a young man of twenty two years old, the question, who are you? And he said I am energy,
what a wonderful and insightful thing to say, and also absolutely true, that is what we all are, living
intelligent energy, if others like him think like this, then there is hope for us all.
An old occult maxim that has been around for thousands of years is that reality is hidden in plain
sight, if we had but the eyes to see it, that is.
Some like the Buddha who sat under a tree picked up a leaf from the tree, and examined it with
acutely focussed attention and perception, he looked intently at the leaf, started to make connections
and as he was doing this he began to see and more importantly realize that everything he was seeing
was all connected, and interconnected with everything else, and through making all those connections
the Buddha became  enlightened, all that information and wisdom contained within one leaf fallen
from the tree, the leaf to the Buddha was the reality hidden in plain sight, he picked up that reality
and by gazing deeply within it , and by doing so his inner consciousness connected to this leaf
and through the inert intelligence that we all have the connections were made, and enlightenment
followed in its wake.
We all have the very same opportunity as the Buddha had, if we so wish to use it that is, reality
is all around us and within us as well, we just need to focus, and become aware, then make the
connections and see where it leads you.
The main thing we are blissfully unaware of and ignorant of is the reality of just who and what we actually are, the Buddha found this out by studying a leaf, how will you find out dear reader?
In part two will look at ways that we can open our eyes and see what is before us.
warmest regards Michael, comment welcome facebook soul realization

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