Sunday 27 August 2017

We-Are-Spirit-Period. =W.A.S.P.

All is energy, all is consciousness, we are energy, we are consciousness, spirit is energy, spirit is life,
we are spirit, we are life, in fact we are the very embodiment of life itself. that of spirit, what then is
spirit ?. Spirit is basically life, which also immediately corresponds with its other two aspects that of
consciousness and energy.
We all our condensed and steeped down energy packets, called human beings, our vibrational
rate has been vastly slowed down, in order for us to have purchase upon this level of expression
the reality of who we actually are, is mostly unknown to us in the western world, and there is no
formalised teaching of this fact of life, therefore millions suffer needlessly due to this great chasm
of ignorance. In some small way i hope to help dispel this ignorance, and allow us all to expand
in consciousness and awareness, and to finally know who the hell we really are.
We all are basically and fundamentally spirit, which means that we are all eternal immortal beings
we each have within us,located within the heart chakra a soul, the soul is a body for the inner spirit
to be expressed, we are all self conscious points of awareness, within an infinite ocean of life or
spirit, they are exactly the same thing.
What you and me actually are is spiritual beings (spirit) having what is called a human experience,
this is the sole reason we are here for, to gather experience, and learn from that experience, then
pass this information on to others who can learn from your experience, we all need to learn the
valuable lesson of sharing our experiences, and helping those who are lost and bewildered.
We need to understand that we each have seven expressions of being-ness this earth expression
being the lowest and slowest in vibrational rate, the other two in which we experience daily is
the etheric, and the astral, every night we journey into the astral plane, and mostly forget this on awakening, but, if you keep a note book and pen by your bed side, and as soon as you wake up write down quickly what you remember, i say quickly because the memories of you visit to the astral realm  fade very fast on waking. With patience and practice you can begin to build up a picture of what
you are up to while sleeping. The etheric body is the electric blue body that completely surrounds
the physical body, and it exchanges energy into us and also indicates how healthy we are, if we are
ill, it shows up first in the etheric body ,it shows up as dark patches that hover over the area that
is infected.
There is so much more to us that being just solely human beings, my intention in these blogs is in trying to express this inner reality, of which we all our, in a way that is not too complicated and fairly
easy to understand, i just hope that this is of use to you dear readers, i feel passionately about the
vast ignorance that abounds about our real nature, in the next blog i will go further into this and
show ways of enacting a connection with this inner principle.
warmest regards michael, comments welcome facebook soul realization.

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