Monday 21 August 2017

Fears Of Impending Doom Silently Speaking Out Part Two.

There are tens of thousands of us out there, suffering in silence, to scared to ask for help, in case
we are labelled as having a mental health problems, or even worse, so we cower away quietly in
the shadows, hoping against hope that tomorrow it will disappear as if by magic, of course that
day never arrives.
In my own case I drank every day to try and blot out the fear and panic ,but  in the end that stopped working, so I was just riddled with fear every day of my life, in fact crippled by it, I did end up at the doctors and was given tranquilizers to help with the fear and blind panic, it did not help and I got addicted to the tablets as well as the alcohol.
We do not necessary have to be addicted to alcohol or drugs to have these deep fears of impending
doom, but many that I have met over the years have been addicted to either alcohol or drugs, but I have also met many who were filled with feelings of deep fear and impending doom, who were not addicted to any substances, but were just as crippled as I was with the fears and deep foreboding.
What can we do about it? How can we get some help? These are questions that we all need to ask ourselves, and find a way in which we can and do recover from our condition, first we need to think
about asking for help, who can we ask? I was fortunate in that as I also has a severe alcohol problem
I was put in touch with a fellowship which runs self help groups, were you can share your experiences and get feed back, I was fortunate that I found many like me who were also crippled
by fear and anxiety and had many episodes of impending doom, so for the first time in my life
I was no longer alone with these feelings, and I could identify with other, who had the same experiences as I had. I took up meditation which I found helped me no end in beginning to find
some peace of mind, and a lessoning of the fear. For those of you who have these awful feelings
of impending doom and have not got the additional problems of alcohol or drug addiction, do not despair, you can still get help and relief from your condition, the main thing is getting yourself some
support, see your own doctor, please, please, do not be afraid to do this, your doctor will have had
many experiences of seeing people with the same problem as you, try and accept that you have this
problem, and that you are going to get help and recover from it. Ask your doctor if there is any support groups in your area, hope fully there will be, if so join one or two groups and meet others
who have suffered as you are now doing, knowing that you are no longer alone, and that others have
the same problems as you, and they are recovering from it by mutual support of each other, this will
give you hope and encouragement, and begin to build some confidence and trust within you.
I wish you all a fear free day to dawn upon all your lives, warmest regards Michael. comment welcome face book soul realization.

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