Saturday 26 August 2017

Which Way Do You Turn ? Self strangulation. Part Three.

If you chase shadows, you will bump into a breeze?  The shadow in question is our outer existence
I use the word existence intentionally rather than life, because to me there is a big difference,
existence implies going through the motions (much like the fellow at the sewage farm) every day
forever looking outward, and for tens of millions of us, slowly turning the screw inward and
literally squeezing the life force out of us, and if we do this long enough it kills us.
Whereas life and living to the full implies growth, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, in
which we go deeper into ourselves, and in so doing, expand our consciousness and perceptions,
plus becoming more acutely aware and what we are doing, and perceive our surroundings in
much finer detail.
We need to understand that without going within ourselves, and taking up regular meditation
or yoga, we are not going to be fully alive, rather we will exist and run much under par of our
full potential, and also remain in a two dimensional world, that being just a physical and mental,
being, and remaining dead spiritually. We all are three fold beings, but only the first two dimensions
that of physical and mental come naturally, the third dimension of our expression that of the spiritual
needs to be opened up by us, either forced on us by repeated crisis occurring in our lives, or us
becoming interested in spirituality and seeking inner guidance.
Very basically forever looking outward into a world of shadows and deception, we are going against
the current of life's flow, that being ever expansive and forever widening its scope, becoming in
the end totally inclusive and all embracing. If we remain locked into an ever outward view, we will
slowly choke the life force out of us, and will then suffocate and die.
So what we need to do to reverse this strangulation is to start upon the act of looking within us, the
only way out of this mess ,is by going within ourselves, taking up regular meditation or yoga, and
start the vortex of life spinning in the right direction for us, that of opening up and expanding, not
our waistline, but rather our consciousness and perception.
So please dear reader of this blog, wake up, realise the position you are in, are you on a strangulation
spin, looking forever outward for the answer to life, and starting to choke already, or are you on a
outer expansive spin, if so bless you, keep it up.
Go within yourself, ask yourself this question, who am I? By asking that question you will have
set in motion an action that will literally blow your mind!  You will eventually find out that you are
an immortal soul, having a human experience here on earth, and a major part of that experience is
waking up to the realisation as to what you really are, and then placing yourself consciously upon
the pathway of conscious expansion and understanding, which will lead you to further knowledge
and inner wisdom.
warmest regards michael. comments welcome face book soul realization

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