Wednesday 23 August 2017

To Be Taught From Within Equals Intuition Part Two.

A wise man once said, that the sound of silence, was deafening, how much silence is there in our
daily life today? We hear many voices all clambering for our attention, from our phones, lap tops,
and other mobile devices, we are being contacted day and night, many of us are totally addicted
to these plastic devices, many go to sleep at night holding onto there trusty plastic device, holding
it like a baby that needs constant attention.
We are listening all the times to our devices, we are all totally focussed outward, never once do
we consider looking within, perhaps we do not even realize that we have an internal communication
network, far more advanced than any plastic device we clutch so tightly, we all have an inner
communication network within us, but sadly not very many of us are even aware of this inner
We each within us have an internal monitor, which many call that still small voice within, sadly
the only time we ever hear this inner voice, is when we are in a crisis, then while in a crisis we
open up an avenue within us that permits temporary contact with that inner voice, we then hear
this inner reassuring voice, telling us that we will be ok, don't worry, you are safe, we all find
much comfort from this reassuring voice.
When I first heard this reassuring voice which actually saved me from taking my life, I was very
intrigued as to know who and what this voice was, who was the owner of this still small voice?
Was it the voice of God? Was it an angel sent to protect me? I have since had well over forty
years now, investigating from whence this voice hails from, I hoped it was God, or an least an
angel, and for a while that what I thought it was ,but  after taking up daily meditation and looking
deeply within myself daily, I eventually established telepathic contact with this inner voice, and
for the first time in my life without an intervening crisis presenting itself, this inner voice was
joyful at being able to establish contact without me being in a complete mess, the voice told me
that it was my higher self, or soul, it was the real me, the physical body was just a vehicle for
the soul to use to gain purchase on this dense and dark plane called earth. I then began to see myself
as a soul with a physical body, and not a body with a soul, the soul was primary and immortal,
the body was temporal and would wither and die, but not me the soul, we are all immortal I learned this very early on, about thirty eight years ago now, our souls ,for  we each have one, whether you know it or not, accept it or not, it is irrelevant , our souls are a reality of universal law, much like
gravity, are acceptance or rejection of this reality is of no consequence to the operation of this
primal principal that works through us all.
In part three will go into ways of contacting this inner intuitional voice of reassurance.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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