Sunday 13 August 2017

Return To Sender Address Unknown Part Three.

We are now in a point of our evolution where not only are we self aware, and with a much more
stimulated consciousness than ever before in the entire history of mankind.
We now have access to the internet and Google which is a vast storehouse of knowledge, just there
at our fingertips, there we can if we take the trouble find out all about ourselves and who we are.
We have access to almost limitless knowledge and wisdom, which if we pay attention to can and
will expand our awareness and consciousness, thereby somewhat accelerating our evolutional
journey into full self awareness and consciousness.
We all need to expand our limited perceptions and levels of conscious awareness, to try and take in
the "big picture" here presented before us ,to  open our minds and begin to try and grasp what we are
all involved in here, our evolution spans aeons of time, which in lay mans terms means billions of
years, we have all been evolving for billions of years, the vast majority of this journey was made by
us in a completely unaware and unconscious state, no awareness, or self knowingness, just going
through the motions of evolving without being aware of it.
Now we are all self aware, and partially awake, I used the word "partially awake" intentionally as
until we fully know ourselves, which means that we have established inner contact with our higher self the soul, and know and understand that the soul is the real you, (and not the cardboard cut out
we think we are) until this has happened in your individual experience, then you are only partially
We are all the sender that we are returning to, each one of us is an immortal soul, which is basically
another name for living intelligent energy, we are all spiritual energy  at the moment contained within
a physical vehicle called your body, and the sole purpose of this enclosure and encapsulation is for
you to know and realize just who you really are, a soul.
We all emerged from total UNITY, total BLISS and total HARMONY, we emerged from that
singular absolute state, into a dualistic existence, where things were created, male and female
name just two of the billions of others.. We left this blissful  state in order to experience the agony
and pain of separation, we sacrificed our consciousness of the highest estate, and became lost for
countless  ages past, on a journey that will eventually being us all back to where we started from
billions of years ago, but with the addition of all that experience.
You are the sender dear reader, you sent yourself out aeons ago to experience duality and separation
and now you dear reader stand upon the threshold of awakening into that reality and realization, what
are you waiting for? Have you not been waiting long enough? Look within yourself, take up meditation, find the real you lying within your heart chakra, search the internet, ask Goggle, do
something positive about waking up and smelling the roses, find the real you within ,and  drop the cardboard cut out that is not the real you.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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