Friday 4 August 2017

Septenate Dwellers Of Living Conscious Realms Part Two.

We all are seven bodied beings, although the vast majority only ever know the very first and basic
one that of the physical, the other six are completely unknown to most, I shall just briefly mention
them here they are, 1 physical body, 2 etheric body, 3 astral body, 4 mental body, 5 intuitive body,
6 ego body, and 7 the bliss body,  as previously mentioned we know nothing about the other six
bodies, i shall only focus on the first three, the physical, etheric, and astral, the other four may be another time.
It is a sad state of affairs that mankind is so grossly ignorant of what he actually is, the seven bodies
in we we expresses ourselves in completely unknown to us,plus who we actually are is also completely unknown to us. We actually know nothing about who we really are, and whats more
what we really are.Try and imagine if you will that we are in an age and year of 2017 where we are
sending craft to mars, with a view of sending  man there and landing on the planet, plus visiting
other planets in our solar system,yet as to who we really are, there is a great big ZERO!
We try and explain how the universe was created was it the big bang? Looking for answers about
how this universe started, looking billions of light years into fading star systems, and the ones
looking through their multi million pound telescopes, ask them the simple question, never mind
looking out there, who the hell are you? YES you looking out into the heavens, what and who are
you? That question would be met by utter silence, as they have not got a clue who they are, they
can name thousands of stars, but do not know who is that being looking out through your their eyes?
Your etheric body can be seen by anybody who takes the time and patience to look, they will see
an electric blue colour completely surrounding the physical body, this is also called our vital body
as it is the first place any disharmony appears within our auric radius, the natural healthy colour of
the etheric body is bright electric blue, and disharmonies that first appear here before being transmitted directly into the physical body, the disharmony will appear as a dark patch in the etheric
body matrix, and will be directly above the point where eventual contact will be made in the physical
body, which will then reveal itself as dis-ease or pain in the body.
Our astral body is the one that is attached to us as the silver cord, which when is severed we die in
the physical world, and are born in the astral world or plane,We all visit this place every night, and
are very familiar with it, and by the time we actually die, it is just like moving location, like a holiday
from the physical world, until the next visit that is.
The astral realm is like another universe within another dimension,we each have an astral body,
otherwise it would be impossible to register your presence there, just like we have a physical body
and then a physical world to be expressed in, the same thing happens there on the astral plane, and
on all the other planes as well, but will stick with just the first three for now.
In part three will try and link this all up, warm regards michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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