Wednesday 9 August 2017

Who-Am-I-Truly-User-Power =W.A.I.T. U.P. Part Three.

In part one and two of this blog, I have tried to lay a ground work that we can build on and explore
the way forward into understanding our true identity. I have pointed out that all the ills and wars,
egotism greed and selfishness, are caused solely by our ignorance of not knowing who we actually
are, and that by turning and looking within each one of us, we can then turn this world back into
the paradise it was always meant to be.
We cannot point the finger or blame anybody for our ignorance, we just have to accept that is the
way it has been for centuries, ignorance reigning supreme, but now in this connection and inter
net world, we can find out so much information about who and what we are, if you take the trouble
to look that is.
This is why I have sent out this blog, this is why it is called WAIT UP, because we all need to look
within ourselves and ask us the question, who am I? Truly! USE Power to wake up yourself, then wake up your family and friends. Try for a minute to recognise here what we are REALLY
TALKING  ABOUT, we are saying that YOU reading this blog do not know who you ARE!!!
That you have lived you entire life within your body, and never for one minute have you known
who YOU ARE! Does this reality, and make no mistake here dear reader this is a REALITY, it
is not a theory or an idea I have adopted, it is a universal fact of being-ness. Who you actually
are is a spiritual being having a human experience! That your primal reality is the SOUL that is
who you actually ARE, you are a principal life form, which means basically that you are an eternal
immortal  being, your physical body is just a vehicle, nothing more, and is not a principal and returns
to the earth from whence it came when the CHANGE occurs, otherwise known as death, which is
actually an illusion, the correct word for death is change.
You can verify everything said here dear reader, that is the beauty of this truth about our real being,
because it is true universally so, it is therefore vouchsafed within each one of your hearts, all you have to do to reveal this truth is to look within yourself and practice meditation, then ask yourself
the question who am I? If you persist in this questioning the answer will be forthcoming and it will
say that you are an immortal soul having a human experience.
That "still small voice" that whispers to you in times of trial and crisis, is that very same voice of your soul trying often vainly to gain your attention, and cause you to stop and think about, where does this voice come from, and who is it? Well now you know who it is, it is not the voice of God
it is that inner small voice of your immortal soul.
Please pass this on to all your friends and family, spread the truth of who we all are today, thanks.
Warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization

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