Tuesday 15 August 2017

Shallowness Is All There Is Left Depth Has Gone.

Every beach on this planet is awash with plastic, even those remote south Pacific atolls are covered
with our trash, turtles, seabirds, fish, are all ensnared and die because of our discarded junk, this
carnage of natures wild creatures, is also replicated in our lives, and millions die every years of
diseases that are directly caused by the processed crap we eat, which is filled with toxins and
other chemicals that cause cancer and heart disease. Our wheat and other crops are sprayed
with chemicals that seriously damage our health, and kill thousands every year, we know about
this, but it continues because it makes money and profit and money are the Gods we worship
Where can we find decency and good will today? Look at the disgrace of our elderly here in the
United Kingdom, who are put into "care homes" to spend the remainder of their live, and what happens in those homes, is a national disgrace, the residents are often treated badly, bullied by staff
left without food and water for hours on end, sworn at, verbally and physically abused, and all of these places are run by so called caring staff, who each have a bullshit placard hung on the wall all about their bullshit mission statement of how caring and professional they are. And of course all
these places are run to make huge profits for the owners, who are usually big business who run
dozens of homes al over the country, the minute they loose any money, they are immediately shut
down, and all the residents are turfed out, without a slightest concern about their feelings or
distress about having to move.
We in the west have it pretty good at the moment, but that will soon all change, those in
third world countries have a hard time just getting enough to eat, millions every year die
of thirst and hunger, while we in the west have supermarkets groaning under the weight of food
on the shelves, we have showers and bathes  without aa thought of where will all this water come
from? We have a glut of food and water, while in other places millions are dying because they
have no water, or food, what is being done about this disgraceful lack of action on our part?
We have been hoodwinked by our fathers and leaders, fed lies, remained ignorant to reality, and
so doing become self centred and selfish ,all  what the advertisers want you to be, greedy for their
products, some of us will even get into fights and scuffles at sales time, push and shove your neighbour out of the way, and grab that plastic trash the advertisers want you to have
We have all been thoroughly brainwashed by the advertisers and media outlets.
In part three will look at where we can find some depth in a shallow world.
warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com comments welcome face book soul realization.

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