Tuesday 22 August 2017

To Be Taught From Within Equals Intuition.

The literal meaning of intuition is to be taught from within, if we accept this premise, then it begs
the question of what or who is the teacher within us who is giving us this lesson? Is it just our brain
that is doing this ? Some may well think so, or is there another explanation for this inner teaching?
Most of us are familiar with the expression of that still small voice within us, this voice that often
talks to us in times of great peril or fear, a reassuring voice that speaks to us, and calms us down, and
makes us feel better, it seems to visit us most when  we are in trouble or distress, although I have also
heard of those hearing this inner voice when they were not engaged in any current crisis.
I am sure that you reading this now have experienced this for yourself, or at least know someone
who has experienced this inner voice speaking to them.
I have heard this voice many times over the past forty or more years, and now I have regular contact with it, the first time I heard it, it virtually saved my life, as back over forty years ago my life was in
an utter mess and I thought about killing myself by jumping of a bridge into a fast flowing tidal
estuary, as I went to jump in, a gentle and calming voice said to me, Michael, if you do this, and jump
into that sea and drown, you will have all your current problems, plus an additional one, that you
will be minus a physical body! You will still be very much alive in the astral world, with all the
same problems, and no physical body, and you will not be able to ask any of your friends for help
as to them you will be dead! And therefore gone.
I quickly got down from the bridge and went home to bed. Without that intervention from that
still small voice within me, my physical life would have ended there back in the early seventies.
When we have intuitional flashes of sudden insight to maybe something that had baffled us, that
too is the still small voice within us talking.
So then what is this still small voice then? Some have called it a divine monitor, others have called
it a spiritual monitor, others call it the soul, or higher self. It does not really matter what you call it
as it is all the same thing whatever name it is given, we all have this life force within us, and we all
mostly in times of crisis hear it calling out to us, and offering us some reassuring words of comfort.
In part two will explore more about this most interesting phenomenon.
warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com comments welcome face book soul realization.

1 comment:

  1. brother u r doing great service to humanity ! take care
