Saturday 19 August 2017

Our Inner Nature Inclusiveness Outer Nature reveals Exclusiveness. Part Three.

We all lead a dualistic life, our outer physical life, and our inner life where we venture into while
asleep, we all know lots about our waking life, but virtually nothing at all about our sleeping
life., yet as I explained in the last blog on this writing that we all spend at least two whole days
a week asleep, and getting up to all sorts of things, and remembering nothing about it.
Sleep has another name that of the "first cousin of death" each night we rehearse for the real thing,
that of actually dying, we all in fact die each night to the outer physical world, and are reborn again
in the astral plane, the only real difference is that each night that we remain "alive" on the physical
plane the silver cord remains attached to us, and when we die, the cord snaps, and we then cannot return to the physical body, and it then starts to decay.
Most of us are total strangers to our inner nature, and only ever relate to the outer, which because
of our evolutionary journey is basically selfish by nature, we, and our family comes first, before all
others, this is a selfishness that we have all inherited, from our ancestors, there is another side to
this though, and that is the opposite side of this coin that of unselfishness, which we all have, if we
can but find it within us, it does often seep to the surface of our being, and will then occasionally
spill out in our behaviour and manner, no one is totally selfish or totally unselfish it is all down
to degrees of expression.
There is so much that we do not know about ourselves, we know nothing of where we go every night
and all the other souls we meet there regularly, and we know nothing about who we really are, and
what we really are, does it not seem odd to you that you can know so much about other things in
the physical world, get a PHD in some field or another, even become a worlds foremost authority
on some subject or another, and yet ask those of great intellectual ability a simple question like
who are you really, who is the real you behind the name and intellectual ability? and you would
most likely be confronted with the answer of I do not know! This is why the world is in such a mess
because we are all drawing from the outer expression of being, which is primarily selfish and egotistic by nature, this then results in all the wars and bloodshed, all the illnesses of addiction
and greed, which include obesity, drug addiction, alcoholism ,and  many other mental and physical
illnesses, cancer, and heart disease .
We are all unbalanced and only drawing from one dimension the physical. we need to all look within
take up something like meditation or yoga, and begin to find a balance within us, that way one at a
time, we will all contribute to making this a more balanced and pleasant place to live in.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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