Thursday 24 August 2017

Which Way Do You Turn ? Self Strangulation.?

All life moves in spirals, reality whether it be on this earth or anywhere else in the universe rotates
upon its central axis, in our case, we all rotate from our centre, the direction and spin of the rotation
depends upon the way we think, move, and have our being, if we are predominately positive in our
outlook and actions, our spin will open out in an expansive turn, if however we are predominately
negative in our outlook and manner, our spin will be constrictive and rotate on an inner lessening
If we look at all addictive illness for instance, such as drug addiction, alcoholism, obesity, they
all have one basic and fundamental characteristic, they all are on a negative constrictive spiral
that will slowly strangulate the sufferer, to the point of termination of physical life, and millions
of sufferers do exactly that every year, they all die slowly, it can be called suicide by instalments,
what happens in effect is that the very life force or energy which normally rotates on a clockwise
ever expansive spin, is choked and squeezed out of the helpless victim, which eventually through
the act of slow suffocation strangles them to death.
We need to understand that life turns in only one of two ways, it is either going outwards and
expanding, or going inwards and constricting, we all live in a dualistic expression of life here on
earth, dual in this case actually means three aspects of expression, that being, positive, negative
and neutral, if we rotate on an anticlockwise spiral. we will become ill and will eventually die
from that spin if we do not change our outlook, and actions, if we rotate on a clockwise rotation
we will be in harmony with the life energy, and so our life will be expansive and mostly healthy.
Countless millions of us are all rotating in a manner that will cause us all serious harm, if not
recognised and adjusted accordingly, we all need to look at just where we are heading, are we closing
down and constricting ourselves, or are we being positive and opening up to life.
We need to understand that we ARE LIFE, the very embodiment of that eternal principle, we
need to understand what exactly life is, and what's more who we really are? We are all here to
experience life expressed in dualistic terms, we are here to grow, learn, and eventually blossom
when you see a flower blossom and bloom, we can marvel at its beauty and radiance, we saw it
grow, first some green leaves then more , then a bud appeared, and from that bud, a marvel sprung
forth, we all are that bud, awaiting the inner sunlight of soul warmth to enable us to blossom,
instead though, many mullions of us are going backwards, and heading for destruction of our
In part two will suggest a way that reverses this process, and expands our lives.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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