Friday 25 August 2017

Which Way Do You Turn ? Self Strangulation ?

A paradox presents itself to us, that we have to go within ourselves, in order to get out of the mess we are in. The mess that we are in, is of our own making, and we have not taken any responsibility
to correct it, mostly because of gross ignorance over our true identity.
The basic mess that tens of millions are in is simply this; they are all turning in the wrong direction
instead of their life becoming more expansive, (usually the only thing expanding, is the waistline!)
expansive in the way we think, feel, and act, which if we are healthy and open to change, means
also that our consciousness and perceptions are expanding, proportionally to the level we are able
to reach within us.
Expressed life, that has form and shape, like us, we have a physical vehicle (body) and there are only
two ways for this expression to go, because we live in a dualistic universe that's the way things operate, there are two ways of expression, and both of these are in the form of spirals, if you are
on a positive spiral and opening outwards, then this is healthy and expansion of your life takes place
which means that your inner self, your consciousness and awareness will be on an expansive arc.
If however you are one the opposite spiral, that corresponds with negativity,  and currently there are
tens of millions of us on this very negative spiral, which will kill millions of us this year, and every other year after, this negative inward turning spiral, literally as it progresses, and this can take years
of suffering, this negative spiral slowly suffocates its victim, they are ever so slowly strangled to
death, the reason for this slow strangulation is in the way the individual lives its life, those that
are of an addicted behaviour such as, drug addiction, alcoholism, and obesity, live in such a way
that violates the natural law of expression, in other words, the way that they live, and abuse themselves, by taking these substances, whether it be food, drugs, or alcohol, actually very slowly
squeezes out the life force, they are squeezed out of physical existence and discarded much like
an empty tooth paste tube!
As we live in a dualistic universe, everything comes in threes, all relative life is expressed in a trinity
and the third part of this equation of rotating spirals, one inner, and one outer, these two have a
balancer and the is a neutral position, where no rotation occurs, it is still, and akin to what is called
"slack water" that point between the tides when it is not ebbing or flowing, just still.
In order to live a full and balanced life, we need to go within our self and find out through expanding
our consciousness, and awareness.
Will explore this next in part three, warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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