Monday 28 August 2017

We-Are-Spirit-Period. =W.A.S.P. Part Two,

We are LIFE, what then is life? L.I.F.E. stands for, Living, Intelligent, Focused, Energy, We are that
energy, human beings are living intelligent focused energy, held in form and shape by the cohesive
embrace our our souls intention, the focused embrace of intelligent consciousness.
The saddest thing about most of our existence is that we have all not got a clue as to who we really are, millions of us spend our entire life within this physical body, we live and die within it, never knowing who we really are, this is a sorrowful tragedy, that i hope can at least partially address by
these blogs, and let you all know who you really our, then its up to you what you do about it, if
Ninety seven per cent of our consciousness is submerged below the threshold of our awareness, so we
are mostly only three per cent awake, at any time, it is possible to increase this percentage by taking
up the practice of regular meditation or yoga, by doing this you begin to access areas of consciousness that were previously out of reach to you.
If you take the trouble to ask the most important question you can ever ask yourself, that of the
question, who am I?  If you ask yourself this question in meditation, and persist with this question
who am I? You will eventually receive the answer, that I am who you really are! The SOUL,
or as some call it the higher self, that is who we really all our, we are all immortal souls, each
having a "human experience" here upon the Earth plane, and the reason we are doing this is to
gain experience, to gain experience of existing in a very low vibrational rate, and experiencing
the experience of being separated from wholeness, to feel what it is like to feel alone and
isolated, (although in reality it is absolutely impossible to be apart from the whole) the illusion
of feeling this way is very real and compelling.
Many of you reading this will have had the experience at some time in your life, of hearing what
is often called that "still small voice within us" usually we only hear this reassuring voice when we
are in a crisis, but I am sure that many of you will identify with this still small voice, well this
inner voice that gives you a reassuring pat on the back, and tells you that all will be well, is
actually the voice of your soul actually managing to break through to you, while you were
distracted by the crisis, you unknowingly provided an opening for contact to be made.
Will go much deeper into this  and link it all together in part three,
warmest regards michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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