Sunday 1 August 2021


 Humanity is a Whole Collective  of 7.7 billion souls, and each soul seems to identify itself

as being a human being. The Life force that animates mankind issues out from the SOURCE

of all life, which is SPIRIT, known also as, GOD,  BRAHMAN, ALLAH, plus many other

names , all describing the ONE eternal truth  of ONE infinite Absolute Being-less BEING.

We are all SPIRIT, masquerading  as that of being human beings. This disguise is so perfect

that hundreds of millions of us are completely unaware, of this inner Divine reality, that lies 

within the matrix of YOUR expression here on Earth.

We do not realise this inner reality because nobody teaches us this truth, our education 

facilities are totally devoid of any instruction as to who and what you really are!

Because of this lack of any real information as regards to your Divine immortal identity

tens of millions of us remain totally ignorant of our true and eternal nature. No one tells

you that you are a soul with a physical body, and not a physical body with a soul, the soul

is the primal principle, the human body is NOT a principle.

We are not taught that when we die (change venues) we carry on living as before, even

more so, in our astral body, the astral body each one of the 7.7 billion souls possesses  a 

astral body, we all use this astral body every night of our Earthly existence, whenever 

we sleep at night, we leave our physical body shell, and travel in our astral body, when

we awake in the morning, we forget where we have been, your subconscious remembers

but your conscious mind forgets within about two minutes of awakening.

Sleep is known as the first cousin of death, LIFE in its infinite wisdom takes us out of

our physical bodies every night, so that we are all used to this practice, the only difference

at death is that we leave the body as we have all done thousands of times before, but when we

die, the silver cord that connects us to the physical body is severed so that return is impossible

we than move into the place we have all been to countless times before, but fail to remember

it, however your sub-consciousness remembers and at the time of death you know what is

happening to you, some often see long passed friends and family there waiting to greet them.

Our biggest enemy and source of most of our fears is ignorance, fear melts away when 

replaced by knowledge and understanding.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and  friends Thanks.

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