Tuesday 24 August 2021


 All life and that includes us humanity is a product of manifested energy. Energy also fills

infinite space and are basically the same thing. Space and energy are living intelligent

SPIRIT. Humanity is expressed by living energy which is space compressed and congealed

into physical matter so that the fluid nature of our true being which is NUMEN (numen is a 

Latin term for "Divinity" or a "Divine presence")  becomes encased within five layers of

congealed light which is fluid energy, and expressed within a dense physical vehicle.

Our current level of understanding the mechanics of energy and space are still very backward

and science is still very ignorant of the fact that energy is LIFE and has infinite intelligence.

Each one of us is a localized unit of divinity or NUMEN, our natural fluid nature in buried 

under several layers of material substance. Our purpose for being here is to find ourselves 

through uncovering these dense layers and finding that divine  fluid nature that lies deep

within us.

Until we find ourselves, until we realise just who we really are, we will remain lost, and are 

destined to go up and down into the Astral realm for a bit, then back here within another body

for more digging into ourselves to eventually find that golden nugget that lies within our 

heart chakra.

Our ESSENCE is DIVINITY, encapsulated within form and materiality. By gathering vast

amounts of experience , we begin to slowly penetrate into our divine interior

There we will find our true IMMORTAL SELF.

ME-ONLY is about YOU ONLY reading this blog now, you are a NUMEN BEING which

is COVERED UP by your HUMAN BEING??????????.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com and feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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